Friday, January 2, 2015

A preemptive fridge clean out!

This morning Adam took the kids to the library and I tackled the fridge. Normally when my fridge needs tackling, it is because there are things that have gone bad in there. Inspired by The Frugal Girl's blog series "Food Waste Friday" I engaged in a preemptive fridge clean out today. This resulted in:

Four cups of pudding (leftover butternut squash from the fridge and coconut milk from the freezer)

A pan of roasted cabbage for lunch


A fermentation-crockful of shredded and salted cabbage


There is still a whole cabbage in there, but cabbage lasts weeks in the fridge so I have time for that. There are some bits of cheese, but Adam is working his way through those. There are also some carrots in need of eating. I'll make pasta with carrots and onions in the next few days, and if that doesn't finish them up I'll have to think of something else. Roasted? Pickled? Fermented?




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